Emotional strength
Emotions are indispensable parts of work life. You, as a gig worker, are no exception. What may harder for you, though, is the lack of shared rules around emotion management that organizations usually enforce. Moreover, you frequently experience shifting in roles, which may ask for different sets of feelings, causing emotional management even more important for you.
Regulating intense and oscillating emotions
Thinking about your daily work experience, you may think of different strategies you employ to manage the intense and swift emotion variation in the gig work life. Encountering such a case, you may either pretend a feeling that others are expecting of you, or you may engage in cognitive processing to change your feeling. However, you should know that the first strategy works just for a short-term as it increases a dissonance in emotions resulting in a negative individual-level outcome. For the long-term, your growth may depend on how you can regulate your emotions through focus efforts and cognitive processing, such as relaxation exercise prior to an anticipated conflict. In such a case, you will be able to change the perception about a happening and shape the long-lasting emotion based on it
Tolerating ambivalent and conflicting emotions
Gig workers tend to experience strong polar opposite feelings because of the conflicting contexts or demands they encounter. For instance, you may feel both positive and negative emotions for a single happening such as working outside of organizational boundaries because although you can be away from political conflicts of typical offices, at the same time, you may experience alienation and lack of belonging. Moreover, despite the fact that you may find yourself less competent in some areas, or have faced some rejections lately, you still encounter the constant need for branding. In such cases, it is important that you have the capability of tolerating these ambivalent and conflicting emotions.